Jun 25Liked by Michele Banks

Amen! Agree 100%. As someone who rusts sculptures and makes baskets out of undesirable plants, I thank you for putting such good advice out there on the 'nets so we can live it IRL. 😊

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Agreed!! I only respect a few rules of watercolor as well, I don’t know what I’m not supposed to do and I try to keep it that way. Except the light to dark thing, that’s a practical rule that keeps you from making mud. Also, I use plenty of white and black paint, especially white gouache to add stars and highlights to my space paintings.

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Jun 25Liked by Michele Banks

You are spot on! The gate keepers are bent on imposing art school dogma. There are countless artists who never manifested their greater potential because they obeyed dogma more than intuition and curiosity. What a shame.

Thank you for this!

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